Archive for August, 2009

One Summer Dream

One Summer Dream
With Summer nearly over I’ve spent several days reflecting on what I’ve done. Most of my days have been spent at work, never venturing to vacation spot or any other kind of respite. I’d fancy a swim in a pool or lake but I don’t have anyone to go with and would probably drown if I went on my own. So, I will just continue working, drawing the odd thing here and there, and burning away what’s left of my youth on the useless endeavor of breaking even.

Useless Knowledge

Today’s capstone is one I finished a few days ago. “Deep waters flow, out to the sea,” is a lyric from Electric Light Orchestra’s One Summer Dream. The Peacock t-shirt can be found at Plasticland as well as the black leggings. The crate in which the girl is seated on reads, 『レモンサンキスト』 or Lemon Sunkist. So, there you go! Useless knowledge for you!

It’s a Living Thing

It's a Living Thing
Today’s capstone is directly inspired by an outfit from Plasticland. I really like this outfit. The skirt’s shade of green is lovely! The total price for the set, $177.95, isn’t bad either (mind you the dog, leash, harness, and anti-gravity hair aren’t included).


Now, ignoring thinly disguised advertisements…

It’s August. The summer is nearly over and as some are heading back to school I’m trudging on with work. Nevertheless I keep getting anxious every time I hear the dreaded words, “Back to School”. No, its too early. Don’t send me fliers about your amazing sale on notebooks and crayons Walmart! Do you have any idea the harm you do to my delicate psyche?

I know I can’t be the only person out there who loathed school.

I did well in school mind you… I just found the entire affair stressful. However, it was necessary, and now all that education has paid off . . .