Posts Tagged ‘buy’


front figurine

side figurine

Last night I quickly made this figure while watching the news. Part of my, “Oh my gosh I quit my job. I need to make money somehow,” movement. The color is off. It isn’t beige and black (I lost Adobe Photoshop LE so now I’m using GIMP) it’s just unpainted polymer clay beige. It isn’t as finished as I’d like. I need to sand it and probably re-sculpt it before I cast it. I hope to make some tiny 3″ figures to sell for a small amount of money. It probably will fail but it’s better to keep busy.


journal Unfortunately, I’m entirely aware of the lack of visitors on this site. It’s probably for the best considering the inane and pointless drivel I type; however, I’ve decided to sell a little journal I designed the cover for on in the hopes that someone (other than my self) might purchase it and thereby support my desire not to be in the red in the following months.

Look, it’s quite lovely! Really, it has pages and an image on the cover…and for every journal that is purchased I make…$3.50.

Do I expect anyone to actually buy one? No. Not really. I’m just bored and the fast food places I’ve applied at to get a second job aren’t returning my calls Xp .