Posts Tagged ‘fashion’

Summer Breeze

Summer Breeze.

Today’s capstone is another outfit inspired image with a teddy bear/ rilakkuma clone visitor :) . Looking at it now I think I might go back and edit the hands. It looks like I got lazy and added a stuffed animal to avoid drawing the hands… but they are there (simplistic but there).

The pastel heart earrings remind me of all the cheap and cute earrings I had growing up. The sort of ones I wish I hadn’t lost or let tarnish. I don’t think I ever owned anything quite as cute though :3 .

Heat Wave

Heat Wave

Today there was a bit of a storm! Water started seeping in under the front door and I ran about preparing supplies in case a tornado watch or warning was issued for the area. However, other than a bit of rain and wind there wasn’t any major damage.

Due to the unexpected storm the “heat wave” capstone is a bit later than I thought it would be. I didn’t intend for it to be posted on the 4th of July so it isn’t exactly patriotic but it kind of has a sort of picnic look to it :D .

I was inspired to start sketching the “heat wave” capstone a couple of days ago when it was particularly hot… of course the original sketch had a pair of boots in the corner and a guinea pig frolicking in The Brunette’s hair but sometimes I have to trim my own projects down so I can give attention to other work :D .

The capstone features the Glimmered Piperita Dress from Anthropologie and an ancient red and white cooler that used to be in my basement.


*The dress featured in the capstone is not sponsored.