Posts Tagged ‘moongem’


Commander Keen
Jill of the Jungle (Tori), Commander Keen (The Brunette), and Agent 006½ (Kyu).

Today’s capstone features the stars of 3 great shareware games: Jill of the Jungle, Commander Keen, and Secret Agent Man.

The Fire In The Refrigerator

Fire in the Refrigerator
The Fire In The Refrigerator

I fancy drawing smoke even if it is cartoony when I do so :) . Several days ago my refrigerator tried to kill me by freezing open and burning up. Everything is fine now. The refrigerator even works.



I started this capstone awhile back and stumbled across it recently while looking through my files (for something I’ve now forgotten) and decided to finish it.

My old job.
It’s mostly gone.

Amadeus (Amadeus)

Amadeus (Amadeus)
Amadeus (Amadeus)
Amadeus B

As always this comic is based slightly on reality. It has been awhile since I’ve drawn anything so I was quite determined to complete “Amadeus (Amadeus)”.

A quick briefing on Falco – Rock Me Amadeus

I can remember watching Amadeus in primary school and absolutely loving it. It might have been because it was a period piece or the relationship between Salieri and Mozart or . . . maybe it was the scene in the insane asylum with the guy in the box. Who can be sure? But if you haven’t seen it I would recommend it. It won 8 Oscars :) .


And that’s how it is.

Cherry Blossom Time

Every year I make a mad dash to get photos of cherry blossoms. This year has been difficult since every day has been either rainy or overcast. Today, I finally managed snap a few photos.