Posts Tagged ‘style’

Shop Style

MICHAEL Michael Kors, Wet Seal, Wet Seal, Wet Seal

I’ve known about for awhile now. Generally I remember it as, “that really cool site that lets me type the description of the clothes I want and it magically appears”, however I never could remember the name. I would type “style” in google and accidentally go to or However, now that I’ve made a stylebook I think I’ll remember the name a little better.

The above image is my first attempt at putting an outfit together in my stylebook (not that it is difficult). The photos look a lot clearer than my clothing photos. Much more clean and professional.

Now, I’m off to have more fun window shopping and favoriting clothes and accessories :3 !

Do You Have a Vacancy?

I first watched Psycho at my grandmother’s house. She had always wanted to see it and we decided to sit down and watch it together.

I think my grandmother was horrified.

Psycho Knife Shower Curtain

I, on the other hand, fancied it. So, when I stumbled onto Plasticland and saw the Psycho Knife Shower Curtain (above) I was intrigued. It would look great in my upstairs bathroom which has a creepy abandoned vibe due largely to the fact the plumbing is defunct and the bathtub is filled with books.

$20 Off Your Order of $100 or more! 4 Days only, expires 7/19/09 at Midnight(CST).

No really! Why have bookshelves when you can have a bathtub filled with Boxcar Children books?