Archive for October, 2009


Recently, I was fortunate enough to go out for a meal in far away city. I awoke late, as is my nature on my days off, and set about acquiring addresses for restaurants. After a pleasant drive to said city ( which was passed mostly in silence) our destination was nowhere to be found. This resulted in our settling for an expensive steak house.

The waitress seemed a little upset that we existed.

It was nice to go somewhere new!

Paid Advertisements

Recently the Federal Trade Commission created rules that require bloggers to disclose paid endorsements for products :link: .

I wish I had this problem but I don’t. I neither have followers nor have I received any money from anyone. I attempted to use to earn a profit from people following links to my site about specific products I like at Plasticland. I never earned any money so I just removed it. I still will likely post links of things I like from Plasticland and Mod Cloth… but I’m not an affiliate. I don’t earn any money. This site is solely supported by my part-time minimum wage job.

journal If you would like to help a poor starving artist/ blogger out you can purchase a crappy journal I put almost no effort into from :link: .

What’s that? You don’t want my journal? (That’s okay, I don’t want one either.)

So, now that I’ve cleared the air about that. I must say I would love to get free stuff from the following websites:

The only problem being is that I’m honest and I will tell people if your products suck.

In Want of a Good Twitter App

I’m tired of alt, right shift, and deleting after my Blackberrry applications give me the death message of , “The application has attempted to open a connection to a location inside the firewall and outside the firewall which is not allowed by your IT policy.”

Death Screen
WordPress Blackberry application example of death screen.

I’m in search of a Blackberry Twitter application that functions on a Blackberry Curve 83xx model. I’ve tried several.

TwitterBerry :heart:
This is the first application I tried. My first attempt at using it consisted primarily of me trying to get it to just connect. I received the “death screen” until I found the proper settings and even after I fixed that problem I was unable to upload pictures to twitpic from the application. Twitterberry was also slow and getting my friends list caused the application to freeze every time.

Orangatame Software – Twitterberry

Twibble :heart: :heart: :heart:
Twibble was the second Blackberry application I installed. The application was much easier to configure. I happily used it for two months until I updated to the latest version on September 30th. It’s features were suddenly reduced and I was informed if I liked twibble I could “register” by buying the application for EUR 4.90 from the twibble store. I can’t buy the application at the moment and I cannot stand the little notifications informing me I can “activate” my account.

/// edit:
After reinstalling the twibble mobile application I can better explain what the 9/30 update entailed. The method for viewing TwitPic changed. You now can preview images with the option to follow the link using your browser. You are also limited to 10 updates per list. If you try to view anything more you receive an option to “activate” screen.

Twibble Mobile – The home of twibble

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