Paid Advertisements

Recently the Federal Trade Commission created rules that require bloggers to disclose paid endorsements for products :link: .

I wish I had this problem but I don’t. I neither have followers nor have I received any money from anyone. I attempted to use to earn a profit from people following links to my site about specific products I like at Plasticland. I never earned any money so I just removed it. I still will likely post links of things I like from Plasticland and Mod Cloth… but I’m not an affiliate. I don’t earn any money. This site is solely supported by my part-time minimum wage job.

journal If you would like to help a poor starving artist/ blogger out you can purchase a crappy journal I put almost no effort into from :link: .

What’s that? You don’t want my journal? (That’s okay, I don’t want one either.)

So, now that I’ve cleared the air about that. I must say I would love to get free stuff from the following websites:

The only problem being is that I’m honest and I will tell people if your products suck.

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