
I’ve been using Avalon Organics shampoo and conditioner for a few days now. My hair doesn’t seem to be any different than it was before. It actually looks a little worse; however, I’m not blaming the shampoo. It smelled like it burned but it didn’t. The shampoo didn’t claim it would magically fix my split ends :). I’m just hoping when my hair starts to grow out that it will look healthier.

Since the 10th life has been a little hectic. It seems as if life just keeps getting more complicated and stressful. My life is work. Somehow I missed out on those carefree years of partying (or at least socializing) and ended up where I am now.

Life isn’t bad. I just want to have a little fun and that isn’t going to happen if I’m panicked over money, working, or going stir crazy in front of my computer.

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