It has my shoes…


It has my shoes…

I got the blue screen of death a few days ago. I thought all was lost. I had some files backed up but not all. I edit my art pretty frequently so backing up every two minutes really isn’t plausible for me. I was saved by a Dell re-installation cd. I don’t even own a Dell anymore it just happened to be the only operating system cd I own. I still have a deep desire to fling my pc off a mountain but that is another issue all together. For now everything is functioning.

I feel bad I’ve gone almost a week without posting. Aside from a devious computer there is no real reason behind my absence. I should post a link back to my Work post. I am working so I don’t always have the time I’d like to devote to drawing…or sleeping. This week especially but I’m going to do my best to not go a week without posting a capstone or a comic.

/// edit:
I’m dying to edit that third panel.

2 Responses to “It has my shoes…”

Brandon L. Summers says:

Another triumph! And I love that third panel. It’s a good beat before the big finish.

You’re a great artist/writer. We demand more of these, post haste!

ducky says:

:) Thank you. I intend to draw more but my computer just hasn’t been very reliable lately. I’m glad you like my drawings!

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