
As you probably have already noticed (unless you use ad blocking plugins) I’ve been tinkering with advertisements. I tried using as before with shareasale but visitors actually have to buy things :laugh: in order for me to make any money. So, I’ve shifted my focus to projectwonderful where I get paid nothing – almost nothing from someone who actually needs to advertise their site :) .

If I’m not going to make money I’d rather not make money while helping someone else get more visitors.

I’ve tried to make a few of my own ads; however, they didn’t come out very well. They look hasty (because they were).

robot125x125    sassy125x125

I haven’t created any ads using these yet. I need to think about design a little bit before I do. Also, I probably should improve the look of the site before I attempt to lure anyone here.

2 Responses to “Ads”

Bridget says:

I happened to stop by here because of an ad you placed on my site through Project Wonderful. ・ω・

It probably says something about me that I’m so easily distracted that I follow links through the ads on my own page. @_@

The cute art intrigued me. <3 I think you are generating something very endearing here. :3

ducky says:

Thank you! I feel the same way about the ads. I think I actually visited your site too while looking at project wonderful. It was very cute! Especially the bonbon bunny.

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