Thursday’s Lunch

Thursday's Lunch

I’ve been eating at my desk and trying to get commissions done. Currently, I’m in the process on fixing some definite designs and creating some new pieces as well. In some sense, I’m busy, but being busy doesn’t always mean you are making a profit.

Anyways, my lunch started out as spoiled onions and mushrooms with oil and vinegar which wasn’t filling or delicious. So, I made Myojo Chicken Udon Noodle Soup with half a packet of soup base (to cut back the sodium) and a mug of iced vanilla caramel something or other from a very old tin of General Foods International Coffees (it still tasted good to me :D ). The meal was yummy but was entirely lacking in the healthy department aside from the 7g of protein. It was, however, very inexpensive (99ยข) .

Balancing the bowl of soup away from the keyboard and wacom tablet was more than a little challenging. Thankfully, I didn’t spill on any important peripherals. Take that fax machine! You are nearly obsolete!

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