How the World Ended in 6 Short Months

Okay, the world didn’t end. I’m being melodramatic. After being dumped, graduating, and being terrified by the recession it certainly feels like the world ended.

Not that I thought I was the only one or anything but I was pleased to see this article on Slate. Yes, there are plenty of families going through tough times but there are also people just starting out who went to college, are swamped with the debt from education, and can’t find work or work in constant fear of loosing their jobs.

Hi, mom and dad guess what? Until I turn 35 I’m going to have to live with you because, well, I only make $400 dollars a month and you should of heard what happened when I asked for more hours at work, anyways, do you think you could lend me some money?

Somehow, I was tricked into thinking that, if I go to university, life would be better for me, instead, I’m doing nearly the same job I had in school (except I’m technically making less money). I don’t even know if I regret it either…

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