Archive for April, 2009

Say Anything.

I’m not sure if you are aware but I have a fantastic record of being quite dismal. Occasionally, I will look at cheerful people and marvel. I know some people who are particularly dreary have a tendency to wish ill upon there more sunny counterparts but I look at them with awe. The ability to be happy is astounding to me.

Smiling is so unnatural.

I want to be on a regimen of sorts to do things that make me feel happier or at least less morose.

So, I’m going to try to smile more. Even if people suggest that I look like I’m in pain when I do Xp .

The Oppressive House


I think I mentioned in a previous post that I’ve been churning out a lot of artwork lately :link: . I’ve been moody, cranky, and committed to completing the little images that pop into my head.

suddenly yesterday This is, Suddenly Yesterday. It is my most recent vector drawing. I had a lot of fun working on this over a period of two days. The expression of the little boy and the floating house are my favorite parts. I probably will continue to tweak the buildings. Adding more details and correcting mistakes.

After After, is clearly another vector drawing. I’m partial to it as well. A girl singing on a stool. Something soulful I’m sure. I wish my hair was wavy like that! My favorite detail is the tiny feet.

kat This drawing didn’t come out the way I intended. Titled, Kat, after Katherine Hamlet it vaguely refers to Ophelia. The body of the girl is more awkward than bodies usually are in my drawings and it looks almost like she’s hanging from the branches, which, was never my intention.

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Probably Subject to Later Deletion

Okay, so here is what is going on. Aside from all the little problems I’ve been having I have a relative in the hospital.

From what I gathered he is injured quite badly but I’m not entirely sure on the specifics. Your thoughts and prayers would be lovely.

/// edit:
Relative is fairing much better than initially thought :yay: .

Tall Tales

I bought Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman today. I previously read an excerpt of the novel in the back of American Gods which left me with absolutely no desire to pick up Anansi Boys. I can’t explain it but after reading American Gods the excerpt was off putting. I think my biggest qualm was that it was another book about ‘gods’ or maybe it was the name, Fat Charlie Nancy Xp .

I’m going to chalk it up to a moment of insanity because… well I rather like all of Neil Gaiman’s books (that I’ve read) I can’t fathom a book of his being a bad read. So, I scampered off to acquire the book. Now I’m all ready to read. I’ve got my reading glasses, a bottle (of soda), and a snuggly corner. I’m sure I’ll love it and feel insanely stupid for not picking it up sooner.

For more information on Neil Gaiman :link: .


changesonebowie Vinyl has such a lovely sound. I’m enjoying my purchase of David Bowie – ChangesOneBowie at the moment :joy: .

It’s a compilation so I’m pretty sure that destroys my cred as a Bowie fan (or at least a Doors Fan). But I’ve never really been about cred. To be honest the quality of the LP I bought is comparable with some mp3’s I have. In addition to that the LP has extended tracks I’ve never heard. The version of Young American’s on the Changes album is longer by almost 2 minutes than the American version.

Unfortunately, listening to records means siting stationary for extended periods of time. This means no dancing around or puttering about the room. Maybe I’m being too precautionary but I remember having to stay very still when I was young when music was playing. Even when compact discs came out I had to be careful. When The Beatles Free as a Bird came out I can recall being scolded for spinning around the living room to violently. . .

/// edit:
I’m informed no one ever played records in presence except when I was in ballet class. I guess it was the compact discs my parents were terrified I would skip.


Last night I worked on a ufo/cloud tiled pattern. It didn’t turn out quite the way I intended so tonight I’m going back to the drawing board (a.k.a Expression 3). Hopefully, I’ll be able to churn out something a little less cluttered. I want bigger ships and more blue sky which seems quite impossible with 150×150.

I added several works to my page. They aren’t my best works but I can always tweak them later (vectors art is so wonderful that way). One drawing was inspired by Katherine Hamlet, another by mesoamerican art, and a third was inspired by a song.

/// edit:
Here it is! I’m happy with the way this turned out. The full size is 300×300 instead of 150×150.